FSPPM ebooks


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  • Publication
    Hiện tượng rút hưu trí một lần trong đại dịch Covid-19: Nguyên nhân và các hàm ý chính sách
    (Trường Chính sách công và Quản lý Fulbright, Đại học Fulbright Việt Nam, 2023)
    Lê Minh An Thái
    Đỗ Thiên Anh Tuấn
    Lược khảo các nghiên cứu đã được thực hiện về chính sách và lựa chọn mô hình khung tam giác chiến lược để nhận diện vấn đề và phân tích các trục trặc trong quá trình thực thi chính sách để làm rõ những yếu tố tác động hiện tại đến độ hiệu quả của chính sách hưu trí.
  • Publication
    Contracting for public services
    (Routledge, 2008)
    Carsten Greve
    Contracts and contractual relationships have become the predominant mode of organization for public service delivery in recent years, and the successful management of contracts has become a core task for public service managers. In the wake of New Public Management reforms, and as public–private partnerships have proliferated, it has become more important than ever before for public service managers to understand the contracting process and its institutional context. This insightful and comprehensive text offers a thorough introduction to the key phases of the contracting process and the skills required by managers in its implementation.
  • Publication
    In search of the dragon's trail: Economic reform in Vietnam
    (Harvard Institute for International Development, 1994-12)
    David O. Dapice
    Jonathan Haughton
    Dwight H. Perkins
    This volume is the outcome of work done over a two-year period by researchers associated with the Harvard Institute for International Development (HIID). HIID first sent a team to Vietnam in January 1989, with support from the Christopher Reynolds Foundation. Since that time HIID has worked with the Vietnamese government in a number of ways to assist that government to better understand what is entailed in turning a country outward and introducing a market system. As part of that effort, HIID, again with financial and intellectual support from the Christopher Reynolds Foundation, helped arrange two study tours for senior officials in Vietnam to some of the country‘s economically successful neighbors, held seminars on aspects of the transition process, brought many graduate students and visiting scholars to Harvard, and carried out numerous studies on specific topics within Vietnam. Seminars on the Indochina region held at Harvard led to an earlier book on the region edited by Borje Ljunggren entitled The Challenge of Reform in Indochina.